Dear readers, I am truly sorry for neglecting my blog lately. I was mostly preoccupied with the hurricane Sandy that you have most likely heard of and yes, I did survive (my second hurricane in NYC already, I've had enough!). I also just got back from paradise, uhm Florida this past weekend (visiting Minnie and Mickey in Disney World) and in addition to that I celebrated my birthday in between. You see, there are some good reasons why I have not been able to post much lately.
I went through all your comments though and was especially surprised by the ones concerning my "is my blog personal enough?" post! Guys, I had no idea!!! I really did not consider my personal thoughts as interesting as you obviously do :-D So from now on, I promise to write about some more personal stuff (things going on in my life, thoughts running through my mind etc.) whenever I find time to sit down and reflect on my life!
However, I did find some time to browse my pictures that I took of New York City the last couple months - so here it is, a collection of the most colorful shots. Of the city that inspires me most. Always fearless. Always fashionable. Always fabulous. Always New York.