Sunday, December 15, 2013

What, did someone say December?

Don't tell me it's too late to post fall photos...
I kinda skipped the Christmas season's start. How can it possibly be, it's already December? Did I miss something? Well, one could bring forward the argument that I spent half of November in Spain (dreamy sunny weather), but how did this year pass so quickly?
I'm sure that's how it works when your life has a, what they call, "routine"!
Since I graduated from school, I have pretty much spent my days traveling, working, traveling, going to museums and clubs, and more traveling. This year was not different. I spent half the winter and spring in New York City, until I had to go back to Germany in April only to spend the entire summer in Spain. Not a big surprise that time flies!
Since I started studying I feel like the days go by in a flash anyway. However, I refuse to admit it's winter yet so I'm posting some photos of a lovely typical German fall forest. My sister and I just had to take advantage of the last few sunrays. And once again, I went dark for winter. I kinda like switching my haircolor with the seasons.
Enjoy the pics ;-)

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